

09 May 2009

I love Lucy

This is another post about readers' comments on humourous columnists.

I've posted earlier about my liking for the writing of Lucy Mangan, and the link to it is still sitting over there --> (hope this doesn't bugger up any html).

She's recently been given a different brief in the Saturday Guardian. Rather than writing about life with Toryboy, and her overstatedly eccentric (but all too recognisable) family, she is now a kind of postironic agony aunt. I wasn't sure about this, but today's entry is just brilliant. Beginning with a 12 year old's plea, Help! One of my friends is a creationist she spins a wonderful web of language, urging a sceptical patience, while never losing sight of the absurdity of creationism.

To me, it's a brilliant piece of comic writing. But not everyone agrees. Someone called Kepler writes:

There is nothing more condescending than a self righteous Darwinist.

Maybe your fiend has something to teach YOU.

(I love the freudian slip there). Comedy and humour are notoriously subjective, but this guy (let's assume, as always) doesn't seem to realise he's just been offered any. Even stranger, three people (at the time I'm writing) have recommended this.

Oh well, the next post is friendlier. At the time I'm writing six people have recommended it. (Take that, Kepler!) What wit and brilliance in such a few lines! It's almost as if I had written it myself.

(By the way, isn't Kepler a strange alias for someone who appears to be somewhat anti-science?)

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